Why should I use a Medicare advisor? Hi, my name is Don Rousseau. Thank you for asking the question, why should I use a Medicare advisor to help find the right Medicare plan? By the end of this presentation, I believe you will understand how a Medicare advisor will make it significantly easier to master this Medicare challenge.
Just to clarify, I am an independent licensed insurance agent and a Medicare advisor. With my website, MyMedicareSearch.com and my dedication as a Medicare advisor, I am helping seniors navigate the Medicare health insurance challenges to find just the right plan that fits their need and budget. The Medicare process can be extremely confusing and complex without someone like a Medicare advisor to help make it easy. My business is to provide you with a knowledgeable and trusted guide by your side, I will research and sort through the numerous insurance providers and Medicare plans. I will narrow down your options and assist you in choosing the right Medicare plan. By the way, there are no charges for my services. And if you enroll in a Medicare plan, your premium is the same as if you enroll directly with the insurance company. In other words, my services are free, free to you. As I receive compensation directly from the insurance companies.
Let’s make it easy.
How’s it done? By following my four-step process, I will help you find and select just the right Medicare plan. In step one, you will learn about the basics of Medicare and private insurance. I will help you understand the different parts of Medicare, such as Medicare supplement plans, Medicare advantage plans, and prescription drug plans. From these discussions, you’ll be better equipped to identify the options available so you can decide on just the right plan. In step two, this is where we review proposals and choose a plan. Together, we will review insurance carriers and plans, and based upon your decision, coupled with my recommendations, you’ll be able to choose a plan.
In step three, we now will gather more information to make sure the plan fits your needs. You will compare your doctors with the network doctors in the plan. We may also review your prescriptions against the plan’s formulary to make sure your prescriptions are covered. Step four, before we enroll in a plan, we will make a final review of the plan if you have chosen. Take one last look at the premiums, benefits, deductibles, and maximum out of pocket benefit. Then if you’re satisfied, we can complete the enrollment process. I used an online enrollment system that reduces the possibility of errors and smoothly and easily complete your enrollment in the matter of minutes. Once you go through our four-step process, you will realize how easy it was versus what seemed like a confusing task to do Medicare search and enrollment.
I don’t stop after enrollment. During future annual enrollment periods, our special enrollments you might have, I will still be your Medicare advisor. Also, I’m available all year and will perform an annual review to make sure you’re in the right plan at the lowest cost. If you find you are unhappy with your plan, next year we can do this again. It is extremely important that you review your Medicare plans each year. Many times, it is recommended that you keep the same plan, but often a different plan from the same carrier or a new plan from a different carrier might be your best option. Also, I’m available throughout the year to answer any questions you might have about Medicare. If you are not now already on my website, please go to MyMedicareSearch.com. Fill out the contact information with your name, telephone number and email address. And I will be happy to assist you in navigating all your Medicare options and plans. It won’t change your life, but you will be glad you did.
Together – Let’s make it easy!